Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hello and welcome to my first ever blog. i dont know really what someone would say in a blog persay, but bear with me as i try this out.

What is it with ants? I happen to admire the small creature. the tiny insect we love to hate. the pesky critter that crawls in your kitchen sink. The reason I admire this creature isn't the obvious. It may be what you would say, out of the norm for most folks.

The reason I admire the ant is simple. It is hated, and doesn't care at all. Lets be honest, people suck. This is true. Why on earth should people care what other humans think, when ants, being the small thing that they are, dont care what we as important humans think. Some people spend too much of their lives worrying about what other people think of them. This isn't always a bad thing, but it can be. When you care so much about what people think that you act like a total deffernet person when you are around certain folks. You may be what people call a hypocrite, and no one like those. That's my problem with it.

Also being wishy washy in what you believe is absolute crap. What I'm trying to say is, know what you believe, know why you believe it, and live it out all the time, and be the same person all the time you fool. You only need one personality, people can't handle more than one of you.

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